Santa María Eugenia de Jesus , or Marie - Eugénie de Jésus in French in the world Ana Eugenia ( Anne- Eugénie ) Milleret de Brou (Metz , August 25, 1817 - Paris, March 10, 1898 ) , was a Catholic nun French , founder of the Religious apostolic congregation of the Assumption. She was beatified in 1975 and canonized in 2007 , and his party was set on March 10 . She is a candidate for analysis Doctor of the Church.
At the age of 12, Anne-Eugénie made her First Holy Communion and it proved to be a life-changing experience for her. Through receiving this sacrament, she experienced the presence of God, a mystical moment, one about which she would talk throughout the rest of her life.
During Lent, while she was in her late teenage years, she was invited to listen to a series of lectures at the Cathedral of Notre Dame, given by the then-Abbé Lacordaire, a famous preacher and social commentator of that period. Lacordaire was about to leave for Italy to enter the Dominican Order and lead its re-establishment in France. As a result of his preaching, Anne-Eugénie had a conversion experience, became passionate about the Word of God, and became a dedicated Christian. She then went to confession with the Abbé Théodore Combalot, an associate of Lacordaire. Combalot told her that he was looking for someone to help him found a religious order devoted to Mary and to the education of the poor, and thought that Anne-Eugénie would be such a foundress. At the age of 22, with four young companions, she founded the Religious of the Assumption.
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